Custom Cutters by River Road Creations
We love making custom cutters! This is your opportunity to give up cutting out wings, bodies and other fly parts. Save yourself time and frustration by having us make you a custom cutter.
Here is our Custom Cutter process:
- We need a drawing or cutout of the shape that you want. You can send it by regular mail or email (as a jpg attachment) – whichever option is easier for you. This allows us to know the exact size and shape that you need.
- If you send a fax or electronic drawing, we also need the dimensions, so that we can match your design precisely.
- The cost varies - depending on the degree of difficulty and amount of materials needed for the shape. Since we always have new patterns under development, if your pattern is similar to something that we already have in progress, we can keep your cost down.
- Custom cutter prices range from $15 to $40 each, plus shipping. When a custom jig is required for your pattern, there is a one time setup fee of $15 to $30.
- Once we receive your pattern with dimensions, we can come up with a more exact figure for your review and approval.
- When we receive the go-ahead, payment instructions and shipping details from you, we proceed to make your cutter.
- Custom cutters usually take about two weeks, sometimes less –it just depends on the degree of difficulty and how many other orders we have going at the time.
- We keep all drawings and a cut-out of the final cutter shape(s) in our files for future use by you. Examples of future use may include, but are no limited to the following:
- Custom cutter replacements for your own use
- Custom cutter manufacture and shipment to fly tying companies that may have "picked up" your fly pattern for sale. (We require notification and approval from you to do this.)
- Custom cutter manufacture for your friends, family, or business partners that you may request and approve.
- We consider all custom cutters to be proprietary designs of the person who sends us the image. What does that mean?
- We will not knowingly use your design for ourselves or for anyone else.
- If a friend of yours sends us a request that says, "<Name> told me it’s okay to make one of his/her custom cutters for me,” we require your permission to do so. You will need to contact us by email, snail mail or phone call to give us permission to share your cutter design with a specific individual. You may also give us your "blanket permission" by informing us that we may make custom cutters for anyone who makes a request.
- Custom cutter drawings and fly designs, which you later publish with design specifications and/or cutter shape images may place your pattern into the public domain. Once you have placed your fly pattern and cutter shape into the public domain, we may not be able to protect your design from individuals who send a custom cutter request to us without mentioning your name as the designer.