A very popular set by virtue of its versatility!
These straight-sided, round-ended bodies can be used for extended bodies on Hopper, Stonefly and caddis patterns, as well as bodies for Ant and other terrestrial patterns.
Many tyers use this shape as bodies for the new Chaos Hopper pattern.
Hopper/Caddis/Ant foam body cutters come in five sizes: 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16.
Cutter Shape:
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Check out this fly to see the versatility of the Hopper/Caddis/Ant Foam Body Cutter
The Road Kill Hopper by Curtis Fry
using our Hopper Leg Cutters, Stonefly Wing Cutters and Hopper/Caddis/Ant Foam Body Cutters.
Pretty cool and VERY creative, don't you think?
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